one. C? s? khám b?nh, ch?a b?nh khi ch?n ?oán xác ??nh ng??i b?nh ung th? ho?c ng??i b?nh AIDS thì làm B?nh án ?i?u tr? ngo?i trú cho ng??i b?nh. Ng??i kê ??n h??ng d?n ng??i b?nh ho?c ng??i ??i di?n c?a ng??i b?nh vi?t cam k?t v? s? d?ng thu?c gây nghi?n theo quy ??nh t?i Kho?n 3 ?i?u seven Thông t? này.Công v?n s? 1517/BYT-KCB ngày 0… Read More

e) Healthcare foods and foods for Distinctive dietary employs which have not been permitted by proficient authorities or authorized authorities or regulation from the country of origin, or the results, appropriate end users and use Guidance over the label have not been confirmed through the exporting region.a) Well being claims must mirror the prod… Read More